Educational Resources

Use the following resources to enhance your understanding of MasterControl Insights.

Note: Use of Insights as an Author is only available with Premium Insights.
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Self-Study Courses

The Self-Study Courses library provides in-depth, task-based training courses about MasterControl functionality. Access the library to explore core Insights functionality and to gain an overview of new Insights features by completing the applicable training courses.

If you are new to Insights, MasterControl recommends beginning with the following course and Learning Paths:

You can view the collection of Insights courses along with the New Feature Details course in Self-Study Courses on the MasterControl customer website.

  1. Log in to the customer website.
  2. On the home page, click Access Self-Study Courses.

    Access Self-Study Courses tile on the customer website home page.

  3. On the My Learning page, click Browse Library.

    Browse Library button on the My Learning page.

  4. Select one of the following processes according to your needs:

    Use this process to complete courses and Learning Paths about various aspects of Insights functionality.

    1. In the top menu, select Insights.

      Insights option in the top menu.

      Tip: If Insights does not display in the top menu, click More....
    2. In the Insights course list, click the course or Learning Path you want to take.
    3. Click Save To My List.

      Save to My List button.

      Note: You cannot begin a course until you save it. To access your saved courses, click My List on the My Learning page.
    4. Click Start Course to begin the course.

      Start Course button.

    Use this process to review quarterly changes for Insights.

    Note: The New Feature Details course presents the enhancements that have been implemented throughout the MasterControl system in each quarterly release. It lists each release by version number and then by module or product.
    1. In the Search library field, type New Feature Details and select the course.
    2. Click Save to My List.
      Note: You cannot access the course material until you save it. To access your saved courses, click My List on the My Learning page.
    3. To view the features released for Insights, scroll to the Current Updates section below the course description. Locate the applicable version number and then click Insights.

      Insights option for the applicable version in the Current Updates section.

How-To Videos

Rights: Author Insights

See Also