Use Subject Areas

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Subject areas in Visualizer display the attributes and measures that exist in the data model and are available for creating reports.

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Types of Subject Areas

There are two types of subject areas:

  • Default—The entire set of attributes and measures as defined in the model for the space.
  • Custom—A set of attributes and measures that a user can specify.

How Subject Areas Reflect the Data Model

Measures and attributes have relationships as defined in the data model. At the data-store level, there are joins between the tables. Subject areas simplify how measures and attributes are presented, allowing for more convenient report creation.

How the Subject Area Updates

When an attribute or measure is added to a report, the subject area updates to show which remaining attributes or measures are relevant. Attributes and measures that are not related or meaningful are disabled in the subject area.

Example: UnitsInStock does not relate to Shippers. Therefore, the Shippers attributes are disabled in Visualizer.

See Also